Friday, July 3, 2009

Petty Teenage TV Shows

This is an amazingly accurate description of the ridiculous teenage TV shows such as Dawson's Creek, The Hills, The O.C., etc. from Dr. Awesome's Blog, To Every Man A Manswer. And I agree with it:
Main Character is a teenager/20-something adolescent with issues that he/she thinks are complicated but really aren't that complicated if he/she would quit whining about his/her problems and just do something about them. There is always a love-triangle, though sometimes the triangle expands to other geometric shapes, such as a love-quadrangle, love-trapezoid, or love-rhombus. Other members of the love-rhombus also have complicated-but-not-really issues that they think are very important, though ultimately these issues are also very unimportant and would be solved if people were just honest with each other. These issues get rehashed week after week, episode after episode, while each character of the love-rhombus shacks up with some other character, creating new unimportant issues that wouldn't have existed if the people would stop fornicating. Finally, there is usually some authority figure who causes problems for all of the parties involved by assigning needless homework, making their minimum wage jobs difficult, putting them in prison on charges of larceny...typical things your average teenager deals with. Oh, and there is almost always a loveable gay character who himself is part of an (un)complicated geometric relationship, probably an icosahedron.

1 comment:

  1. Baha that's funny. To me, this describes all of the shows on ABC Family, like that Secret Life of an American Teenager and all of those silly shows.
