Friday, April 2, 2010

PICTURES FTW (Part the Second)

Here are some more portraiture-type photos. This assignment was similar to the last one, but in this one I had to specifically position my subjects. Thanks to Bruce and Matt for helping me out as "models." I use that term loosely.

Also, I have about 3-4 more batches of photos from this class, so keep an eye out for them in future posts.

This one may be a little cliché. Maybe:

And this one is one of my favorites:

Also, I just realized that all of these are vertical shots. Interesting.


  1. looks good! and also, I have always had this thing where almost every picture I take is vertical. I don't even notice that I do it half the time. I've gotten myself to go horizontal more often lately, but vertical compositions are almost always infinitely more interesting and dynamic to me.

  2. Yeah, I don't know why, but they just seem to capture more in my mind.
