Thursday, June 24, 2010

Action: Figure It Out

I am a big fan of "looking before I leap," that is, thinking and analyzing the hell out of things before I get to doing them. Unfortunately, just because I am a fan of something doesn't mean it's the right way to go. Otherwise there would be a lot more Mt. Dew, bacon, people wearing superhero outfits, and babies.

Back to the question at hand: should we think things through beforehand? The answer is a definitely, but not. Let me explain. Most often when I think things through, I do so in order that I won't make a mistake in whatever action I choose to take. This is legitimate. That being said, because 97.65% of the time (exact statistic), the answer is not black-and-white obvious, and even if it is, the "thinking before acting" is just an excuse to come up with justification for choosing the wrong choice. Agreed? Agreed. Good then.

In my own life, (and I don't think I'm alone in this), the "thinking" process lands me in a place where I struggle with choosing how to act for an indefinite amount of time, leaving me doing nothing about the issue at hand. I wrote this line a while back, and have yet to formulate some poetry to surround it: "My inaction's action enacts the law of my heart." Again, let me explain. When we do not act, that, in and of itself, is an action. That's right, you heard me: Inaction is an action. And when we don't act, we are making a choice without the control of actually making a choice.

Many times, this seems like a very freeing experience: essentially I don't have to deal with the stress of making a choice because if I don't choose then the choice will be made for me. But in the end, this is everything but freeing, because I am thenceforth (heck yeah I used that word) bound to the choice my lack of choice choose. Make sense? Awesome.


  1. I do the exact same thing, both in huge, life-altering decisions, such as what college to go to (didn't get that right the first time), or more prosaic situations such as the following real-life scenario: Shane and I are both bad at decision-making, and one night we decided to watch a movie. After spending half an hour going through every movie in his house, we went to blockbuster and spent another 20 minutes there. We finally decided on something, only to realize that because we had spent so much time picking a movie, we didn't have time to watch one. So we went home. [/tragedy]

  2. That is unfortunate. Now, to figure out what to do about this all?
