Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Of Blogging Technique

I've found that I hate trying to read a blog post that is long, not even excessively so, unless I am super excited about the topic it is discussing. For that reason, I try to keep my posts short, and even if they aren't, I try to break up the paragraphs so it is easier to read.

Still, I think that keeps some people from commenting because it seems like it's only "T.J.'s short thoughts" and does not require response. Or maybe I just don't talk about things that are interesting enough.

One technique I've notice Jon Acuff uses at Stuff Christians Like is to ask a question at the end of most of his posts.

So, what do you think? Are shorter blogs better? Are shorter paragraphs easier to read?


  1. I think shorter paragraphs, no matter the length of the blog, are easier to read. It is less intimidating.

  2. shorter blogs are not always better...but i do agree about the paragraph thing and i shall try to put that into practice...
    Also, it would be easier to comment on the stuff you post if you had FACEBOOK!

  3. I may eventually return to Facebook, I am actually weighing that option currently.

    Still, even if I was on Facebook, I would rather people comment here than on the note that Facebook would import from here.
