Friday, December 4, 2009

Help Portrait

What do you give someone in a time of economic despair, when you are comparably despairing yourself, and you are a mere photographic artist? You give them hope.

But how do you do give someone such an abstract, elusive thing? How about by giving them something they've never had before: a chance to be beautiful, and a picture to remember it by. Sounds good to me.

It also sounds good to Jeremy Cowart, a celebrity photographer and creator of Help Portrait, a movement to call as many photographers as possible to give people something simple, something meaningful.

December 12 they're trying to rally photographers to go do some significant stuff for those around them. Check out the their site or this short promo video:

[Tip O' The Hat to Tyler Stanton]


  1. That is really cool! I could so do that!!

  2. This is the only way I could think of to send you this link.
