Saturday, December 5, 2009

Maybe it is Me, Maybe it is Her

Dating is hard. (Some may feel obligated to insert their "No Sh*t, Sherlock" here, a point I am perfectly willing to concede). It is harder than I remember.

Then again, since I've really screwed up my relationships since my last "official" relationship. Maybe it's just been a while. Maybe I'm just missing some key component.

Or maybe I'm just growing up. Maybe I feel "out of it" because the "in it" I am used to is from a younger, less mature, more selfish High School T.J. Maybe what used to be the norm is no longer acceptable. Maybe God wants something else for me.

Whatever the case. I do remember it sucking this bad when it sucked. I do remember the suck.


  1. Dating IS hard! I really um.... something with this post. Resonate. Or something. Who are you dating?? I didn't know you were dating. Am I so behind?

  2. I was taking someone on dates, but we weren't "official" whatever that has come to mean.

    But she just wants to be friends. That's what this post is about.

    So you're not really that behind.
