Friday, January 8, 2010

For My Birthday

For my birthday, I don't want a party, I don't have a specific gift that will make the day.

I think all I want is

To have a taste of some alcoholic beverage that I buy and am carded for.

To drink an entire bottle of Welch's Sparkling Grape Juice.

And to give someone a kiss.*

*as someone will most likely disrupt the honesty of this post by calling into question the gender neutral term "someone," I assure you my desire is for a female recipient.


  1. That reminds me of your birthday gift idea that i have and that i should start on that soon....and if you do give in to have a birthday dinner maybe, i'd like to come :o)

  2. When is your birthday? I didn't get to purchase an alcoholic beverage until about 3 weeks after I turned 21.. :( It was sad. Since then I've been carded twice and I've also gotten alcohol without being carded! It made me feel old! :)

  3. January 18th. Woo Woo! And I think I am going that night with my friend Thom.

  4. Would this be the Thom that Amanda and EVERYONE else from camp talks about, that I have never met?

  5. Good call with being gender specific. I would have jumped all over that. In more ways than one.
