Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Something That Lasts Forever, Like A Greeting Card

The other night I caught the tail end of (500) Days of Summer, a film, you may recall, that I quite liked. It takes a special class of movie to blow your mind each time you see it. I spent the last half hour leaning murmuring "So good!" over and over again as each new scene came.

I think part of the reason I loved it so much was, as someone pointed out, it is one of a rare class of movies: a romantic comedy, surrounding a breakup, from the man's point of view, where he feels utterly screwed over. And it was well done along the way.

Plus the things it has to say about love and fate are pretty cussin' fantastic. I like it because of it's plentiful points yet lack of singular resolution. Good stuff, good stuff indeed.

I am not even joking when I say that it may be one of my favorite films ever. And it's a romantic comedy? Who'da thunk it? If you have not seen this film, then that is an error in your judgment that needs to be fixed.

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