Sunday, February 1, 2009

Except You Enthrall Me (Never Shall Be Free)

This is one of the best poems I've ever written. It's one of the first real poems I wrote, too. The title comes from John Donne's fairly well known Holy Sonnet XIV.

"Except You Enthrall Me (Never Shall Be Free)"

I want a swing in my backyard,
But since I don't have one of those
I'd like a backyard too as well,
In a place that no one knows.
And in this swing I'd swing
While in my mind I would discourse,
Of my thoughts unto my thoughts and ponder much on prose.

Though poetry clear I could hold dear
As dear these time upon this swing.
Who knows? Perchance I'd chance to sing a ditty sweet
Or ballad strong of loves long lost or yet to come,
While swinging free under the tree
In my backyard where no one goes.

I fly quite high into the sky
(beyond the dirt I'm grounded on)
And think on more than me and mine.
This swing remains two metal chains
And rubber sling for short a time
If on it sits an unwhole soul who craves
A thought beyond the known.
I want this swing so badly, because on it
I much further see,
My vision goes beyond my sight,
And on it once I saw the light.

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