Saturday, February 7, 2009

It Should Be

"Just because it is, doesn't mean it should be."
--from Australia

This statement, while somewhat trite and almost undoubtedly stated before in some much more articulate manner, struck me again tonight. Not in a huge way, as some poetic, spiritual, or meaningful statements normally do, but in a more subtle, reaffirmation sort of way.

The idea of the current state in contrast with the desired or "should be" state is something that radiates from the core of human existence. While we will very often come to different conclusions as to what the "should be" should be, every human can agree that things are not as they should be.

So often we look at the "is" and discount the "should" as unattainable, or not worth the time and effort it would take to attain. Either that, or we'll overlook what is and simply accept it, not even attempting to examine the justice of the status quo, content to tolerate the way things are without as much as a second guess.

As a believer, my entire existence is about looking at the "is," and realizing that it is not as it should be. This can range from the simple knowledge of the fact that this life, what is right now, is not as it should be, but what should be is just around the corner in glory. Or it can mean looking around me into the brokenness of the world and my own heart and using the life and love and grace God has given me to bring order and life and love and grace to it.

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