Saturday, March 28, 2009

This Blog's Future

I've been trying to figure out what to do with my online writings and musings.

I've found that a lot of my writings falls into one of several categories:
  • Theology/Spiritual Thoughts—I mean, I love theology and spiritual discourse, so naturally I'd been prone to write about it a lot.
  • Poetry/Literature—again, I love this stuff, plus I consider myself a poet; indeed, the subtitle to my blog is "the imparticular thoughts of a particular poet."
  • Life Experiences—it is a blog, a 'weblog' of my
  • Random Stuff—videos, quotes (which often fall into the first three categories as well), or just different things I find online.
In addition to these categories, I'd like to start doing regular reviews of books, movies, TV-shows, and other media that I experience. I've actually wanted to do that for a long time.

So I'm wondering, should I split it up into several different blogs, with one for theology, one for poetry, one for life/random stuff, and another with reviews?

My biggest hindrance to going ahead and doing that is, often times they overlap: good theology is practical, so it often applies to my current life; poetry and spiritual thoughts are often intertwined, at least for me.

My second dissuasion is that I don't know what I would name them, or how I would go about managing them. I'd like to develop a readership in each area, but I don't know if people would follow me to those others blogs.

Any suggestions on the dilemma would be welcome, including possible names/URLs for the new blogs.

So...questions, comments, suggestions?


  1. I think your blog would be stronger if it remained an interesting mixture of the theology, writings, life experiences, and random things. Life isn't spit up into neat categories... and I think all of those things are interconnected and play off of eachother.

    Though, if I you were set on making another blog, it seems to me like having a separate one for poetry would make sense.

  2. I would keep it all as one as well. Just have like 4 separate categories into which everything thing is placed, and then add other designations as well (as it seems you are already doing). Just my two cents.

  3. I agree with Steph, if you are going to split up your blogs, you should do one for your poetry.
    The others go well together. I'm actually excited about hearing what you have to say about movies and other media.

    I know I go blog crazy, but that doesn't mean I'd necessarily encourage it.

  4. That's what categories/tags are for. One blog.

  5. one Lord, one faith, one baptism.

    one blog.

    biblical support. haha
