Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My Words Worth of Wordsworth

Tonight is going to be one of those nights where I would put my Facebook status up as "T.J. is going to be up real late working on this paper" only to be be followed by "T.J. is still working on this paper" and then later by "T.J. has only ___ more pages left on his paper" and possibly by "T.J. is dead."

Providentially, however, I do not have a Facebook to distract me from tonight's endeavor. Hopefully I won't be distracted by other online endeavors. This post is a testament to that statement's improbability.

William Wordsworth is the topic, and while I do enjoy writing about literature, I think I'd rather punch myself in the face repeatedly while sitting on a bed of ants and listening to Celine Dion than stay up for the remainder of this paper.

Think about that as a personal hell.


  1. I read this while in class.....and I had to forcibly hold my hand against my mouth to keep from laughing out loud...

    ....and I like Celine Dion.

  2. Glad I could be comedic...

    ...and I'm sorry.
