Monday, October 12, 2009

Horse Hero

Oh, Kris Straub. I have a noted dislike of both Guitar Hero and Rock Band, but this is a game, I would actually play.

Mostly because there's no way I could or would learn to ride a horse in real life. So it's legitimate to do it in virtual life.


  1. And why wouldn't you attempt to learn how to ride a horse?

  2. I despise horses. Blame my sisters and camp.

  3. horses aren't that hard to learn to ride. but i want to inquire regarding your disdain of guitar hero and rock band.

  4. If I don't have the patience and discipline to learn a real instrument, I don't want to take the time to become skilled at a fake one and yet again add something to my ridiculous repertoire of things that waste time when I should be doing something productive.

  5. What has camp done to you to make you despise horses?

  6. Put me in contact with them. It was bound to happen whenever I came into their proximity. It just so happened that the first place I did that was at camp.
