Monday, October 5, 2009

Oh, Kanye

Just for the record, I'm not a fan of Kanye West as an artist or a person. I don't hate the guy, but I'm not inviting him to any Office/Community/It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia Thursdays at the Testosterhome anytime soon. To say the least, I agree with President Obama's analysis of Kanye and his actions at the award ceremony I couldn't care less about.

That being said, the Kanye jokes that have surfaced since his idiotic interjection onstage are pretty dang hilarious. A friend sent me this one, from the quite hilarious site Halolz:

Comedic gold. Plus, it induces reminiscent memories of That Glorious Gaming System that was my first real committed interaction with video games. I still have it, it's at the Testosterhome. I'm thinking some old school Vectorman and Sonic is in order.


  1. Some old school Sonic certainly is in order, assuming someone can pry you away from Call of Duty long enough for some cherished childhood memories.

  2. Whatever, I'll school people at both.
