Saturday, October 31, 2009

What I'm Reading

I finished Just Do Something the other day. It was most excellent. I will be posting a review sometime soon. In the mean time, I have moved on to The Prodigal God by Timothy Keller.

With the subtitle "Recovering the Heart of the Christian Faith," Keller explains in his introduction that the book is not only for those coming to the Christian faith for the first time, or even those returning to the Christian faith.

From what I understand, he is writing to me (the "older brother") as much to a seeker (the "younger brother"). The speaker at summer conference this year told me personally it would be "the best book I read this year." So far, I haven't been blown away, but then again I am only in the first chapter. And I think it has potential.


  1. If you read the book with intentions of taking some lines or quotes from the book and delving into the idea of what is being said, you will get something out of it. My small group is studying this book right now. I'm not a fan at all of a "bible study" being about a book that is not the Bible. I get nothing at all out of my small group meetings. But reading the book on my own, there are things to be gotten out of it.

  2. I hear ya, I'm not a fan of that either. I have heard it's a good book though. I hope to discuss it, but I'm reading it solely for myself.
