Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Of Weddings

This weekend I'm going to a wedding of two dear friends, which I am absolutely stoked about. I really do love weddings, in a woman sort of way. That is, I highly anticipate witnessing two people pledge themselves in covenantal selfless love for each other. I can really can dig it to the max. I'm mixing my slang terms now, aren't I?

I first realized my love for weddings December of '07 when my friends Ashley and Petey got married and I legitimately man-cried1 when they were pronounced man and wife. Last semester's series at RUF was another boost in my inclination for weddings, as Jeff repeatedly spoke of selfless, covenantal love, of which the Father's love for us and Christ's marriage to the church is the prime example.

I find myself yearning for the example to demonstrate that type of selfless, covenantal love2 to a specific female recipient, that is, my wife. That, and the speaker at RUF's summer conference talking about looking for PWs3 simply feeds the flame for that desire.

To myself, I would reply with two things: One, how can someone who so often and easily flirts around like it's going out of style even consider himself close to ready for marriage? Two, why can you not demonstrate selfless, covenantal love to all those around you, especially your Christian sisters?

Dang, I'm a tough person to argue with.

1 This consists of the appearance of tears only slightly visible and the pressing of the fist to the lips to mask any hint of emotion.

2 How many daggum times am I going to use that phrase in this post!?! I guess the answer is four.

3 Potential Wives, for those of you that don't know the good ole Christian slang. Actually the speaker was the first one I had ever heard use it.

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