Friday, May 1, 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

**Some mild spoilers**

First of all, I'll list my problems with the movie. There's only three:

1) Cop-out computer animation. About half of Wolverine's claws were computer generated, and it sincerely detracted from the reality of the movie, it just bothered me.

2) Blatant and unnecessary disrespect of the source material. Really, Deadpool=Weapon XI!? And an amalgam of a bunch of different powers!? That was lame. Wade Wilson at the beginning was amazing, just like his character in the comics. But then they horribly wasted him.

3) Not enough of Gambit. Seriously, he's the character everyone's be shouting for since the first movie. While what they did have was good, they could have given him a much better role, and done more with his character. It is difficult to foresee anything happening to him between this movie and the first X-Men movie.

Other than that, the movie was excellent. The action was very well done, something that comic movie fans and action movie fans alike can get into.

It was really cool to get to know James instead of the mild a-hole Logan. It was interesting for me to see that from the beginning, he was much more reserved than his brother, much less inclined to violence. Especially because later on in the series he comes across as the most apathetic, even though his actions eventually show otherwise.

It makes one wonder: can you really ever escape your nature, even though you endure a veritable crucible of physical and mental transformation? In spite of the great pain his past was filled with, Wolverine still demonstrated himself to be the positive outcome of it.

Even though he lost virtually all of his memory, he is still tightly bound (mentally) to what happened to him, and maintains, to a certain degree, his character on the other side of a complete loss of identity.

I may write about this some more later, but right now, it's bed time.

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