Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Make A Wish

Tomorrow is the eleventh of November, a date that is relatively unremarkable aside from the noticeable number of '1's in its denotation: 11/11.

There is a well known social inclination, you could say, to tell someone to make a wish when the clock is at the time 11:11, AM or PM, supposedly because that time has semi-magical abilities to grant the wish. One would logically assume, then, that on the date 11/11, the magical powers possessed by the time 11:11 would be magnified exponentially.

While I personally employ the excuse of magic for many inexplicable things, I think people use it as a crutch when a fine and even better tool is simply action.

That is why tomorrow, 11/11, at 11:11 AM, I am going to post, challenging you, all 4 of my readers, to make a wish and then do something about it.

That's right, hope in the prospect of whatever you wished for, but then do something to make it happen. Talk to that person, write them a letter, take a picture, fill out that application, pray, read, write--whatever needs to be done to push your life in the direction you just wished it would go.

It doesn't have to be big, it doesn't have to be impossible. Just hope, and then act.

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