Tuesday, March 23, 2010

What Teachers Make

You must have heard that classic line, reiterated by Jack Black in School of Rock: "Those that can't do, teach. (and those that can't teach, teach Gym)" As someone who is close to a number of people in the education business, it may be fun to laugh at sometimes, but what do we really think about it?

Here is a slam poem (another reason I like this) by Taylor Mali that explains, very well, what teachers make. (I should warn you though--there's a touch o' the language at the very end of the video.) [Poem's full text is here if you want to read along.]

[Tip o' the hat to my friends Eddie and Julianna]


  1. why is Billy Collins sitting off to the side, looking cool and awesome?

  2. I think you very well know the answer to that question: If you are Billy Collins, you can't help but look cool and awesome.

  3. Looooooooooove it.

  4. Love it :) I'm in an intro education class right now and we've talked about why teachers teach a lot (since everyone in there is an education major besides me of course haha) and it's obvious they are all there for a reason. I've also read in a psychology book the sentence "Teaching will continued to draw the lowest achieving students into it's profession" and I wrote a psychology essay on this sentence and the intrinsic motivation behind teaching. Take that, people who think money is everything!
